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6th Manitoba Regional
From Friday 13 December 2019 -  01:00am
To Saturday 14 December 2019 - 01:00am
(Your local time. The event started -1900 days ago)
Contact Estelle Lamoureux

Invitation & Registration

Form Manitoba Schools are invited to register for the 6th Manitoba Regional High School Ethics Bowl, taking place in mid-December at the University of Manitoba. Winning teams from the December event will compete in the national championship in April 2020 at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.

Acknowledgments: We acknowledge the exemplary work of the United States National High School Ethics Bowl in developing the model for the student competition, and are grateful they have allowed us to adapt the model for use with our Canadian students. We also acknowledge the support of Linda Connor, Social Studies Consultant, Manitoba Department of Education and Training, volunteers from the Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties, and community members who will serve as moderators, coaches, and judges.

Sponsors: Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties Canadian Commission for UNESCO Canadian Museum for Human Rights Manitoba Department of Education and Training University of Manitoba Centre for Professional and Applied Ethics.

Cost and registration deadline: The Manitoba regional Ethics Bowl can only accommodate16 teams, to be decided on a first-come basis. If you want to guarantee a spot, register early.

Please note: your registration is a commitment to participate in the entirety of the program, including

  • October 29 training
  • December regional competition
  • Canadian championship to be held in Winnipeg in April 2020 (if your team is successful in December regional competition)

The cost is $300 per school, which includes a $50 registration fee for the Canadian High School Ethics Bowl. Please make your $300 cheque payable to

Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties
580 Main Street Winnipeg
Manitoba R3B 1C7

The final date for registration is September 30, 2019 or sooner if all spots are filled.

Location University of Manitoba

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